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Understanding Current Grading Practices

We want to share an important update about our grading practices starting in the 2024-25 school year.  

As you likely know, Century Middle School previously used a 1-4 grading system. Starting in the 2024-25 school year, all of our middle schools will be transitioning to an A, B, C, D and F grading system and aligning grading practices. The goal of this change is to make grades easier to understand and to better show student progress toward grade level standard.

Here are some additional key takeaways about this grading system:

  • The following percentage scale will be used for the aggregate grade: A (100-89.5%), B (89-79.5%), C (79-69.5%), D (69-59.5%), F (59 or below). 

  • Grades will be calculated by averaging a student's performance on grade reporting criteria (GRC) aligned to the standards in each subject area.

    • For example, in science, the GRCs are life, physical, earth and science/engineering practices. If only 3 are covered in semester one then these three GRC will be used to determine the student’s aggregate grade.  

  • All assignments/assessments that are entered into Infinite Campus must be scored using a rubric with four scoring criteria. The lowest score a student may receive a completed assignment/assessment is 50%. All rubrics will be scored using a 10 point scale. For any assignment/assessment teachers may use a multiplier of up to 10  to increase the weight of an assignment/assessment.

  • The lowest score a student may receive on an assignment/assessment is 50%.  If an assessment/assignment is not completed, it will be scored as a missing assignment (M).

  • Non-academic factors (e.g. participation, effort, behavior, extra credit, etc.) will not be factored into the grading system.

  • All other district grading policies including, but not limited to, absences, awarding incomplete grades, and parent communication will be followed.

First page of the PDF file: GuidanceforPerformanceLevelandPointsBasedGradingSystem