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Battle of the Books

Battle of the Books Club will be meeting on the following dates for the 2nd semester of the 2024-2025 school year:

January:  Tuesday, Jan. 14th 
February: Tuesday, Feb. 11th and Tuesday, Feb. 25th
March: Tuesday, March 11th and Tuesday, March 25th
April: Tuesday, April 8th and Tuesday, April 15th

The District Battle of the Books competition will take place on 
Tuesday, April 15th from 6:00-7:30 pm at our own Century Middle School!

Each meeting will take place in Mrs. Worosylo’s room, F203.  We will meet at the front doors of Century at 8:15 a.m. together.  

If there is a meeting you cannot attend, contact either Mrs. Aylor (F205) or Mrs. Worosylo (F203) to let them know.


Sarah Worosylo and Carrie Aylor