Discover Colorado
Discover Colorado students participate in a wide variety of in-person and virtual activities that let us explore our National Parks, local historic places, museums, events, and state history museums. We work directly with curators and park rangers to provide feedback to exhibits and online virtual field trips, and help design activities for kids your age. This is a great way to connect with people across the country virtually and learn more about Colorado and the United States. All students are welcome!
You will have the opportunity to:
Help design an exhibit for History Colorado
Provide feedback to the White House Visitors Center in the spring of 2021
Work with Museum curators to give feedback on native american lessons
Participate in a virtual Bent’s Fort event celebrating the Santa Fe Trail’s 150th anniversary.
Work with park rangers to connect to historic places in Colorado
Help create Adobe Spark media cards for a virtual event in February
Meet with leaders from the legislature and our governor about historic places and our parks
Participate in the Colorado Preserve America Youth Summit if you desire in the summer of 2021.
Michelle Pearson
Keith Jones